FAQ - Aircraft Use

In the remote mountains of New Zealand, there are no cable cars or roads to high elevations to provide easy access to the mountains. Walking into many mountain venues can use up to 2 days of your trip, across very rugged terrain.

To make the best use of your time many Alpine Guides trips use aircraft access. When you arrive the scale, and nature of the terrain, will make the logic for flying obvious.

Flying out is included in the price of most, but not all of our trips. Please check the details for your program.

Walking out from your mountain venue may be possible, but flying out is by far the more popular choice. Walking out may be beyond your fitness, especially at the end of a long trip. Conditions and weather may dictate that a flight out is the safer choice.

Why the flight out is not included in all trips?

Building in the cost to cover all possible scenarios would result in increasing base trip prices. It also lets people who want, and are fit enough, to walk out.

Do I have to arrange a flight out in advance?

No. During your trip your guide will call AGL base to arrange this. If flight costs are additional, our base staff will work to provide the best price available on the day. When possible we combine flights with other users to reduce costs and aircraft turnarounds.

Combining with other parties

Combining with other parties, flying in or flying out, can reduce the relative costs per person.

During summer we often combine with other climbing parties. During winter we work in with our Ski The Tasman and heliski operations. This provides cost-effective flight options for our guests.

Why is the cost quoted as a range?

It is not possible to give a fixed price in advance, due to the number of variables involved. These variables can include:

  • Number of people in your party

  • The type of aircraft required - this is dictated by landing conditions, party size, and weather on the day

  • Availability of other parties to share flights (other AGL, or recreational parties)

  • Number of people in other parties

Each trip's detailed information provides a range of potential costs.